Archive for November, 2008


Musings, post-election…

November 18, 2008

I’ve had little to say since the election. I’ve started another e-commerce class, and have had a bunch of things going on at work and at home. Besides, I don’t have anything to say that hasn’t already been said.

I know folks who believe the election of Barak Obama is a wonderful thing…but because of his race, not necessarily because of his position on the issues. Not all of them are black, understand – but there are people who just believe having a black president is, by itself, a Good Thing. I understand their elation, but I’m saddened that their dreams had to be fulfilled with such a weak, naive candidate. Me, I’m for the best, and most conservative candidate, regardless of race, sex, age, or ability to play a musical instrument. (I thought the last one would be helpful, but Clinton, Nixon, Truman…one and a half for three is the best I can see there.)

McCain was NOT my choice, of course. I had high hopes for Fred Thompson, but he came into the race looking tired and old. He had lost so much weight I feared for his health. I’ve seen him on TV since and he looks much better. Was he undergoing some kind of treatments? Fred is a conservative, or at least sounds like the Real Thing; Romney might have been OK as well. It was too long post-9/11 for Giuliani, I guess. Huckabee really didn’t seem tp me to understand the issues.

There is a rule of thumb that says that conservatives only get involved in government reluctantly, as a necessity; liberals flock to government for power and control. Unfortunately, we did that too well, and now we reap what we have sown. I don’t know exactly how to take the Republican party back, or even if we should. Is it time for a real Conservative Party? (I know there is one, already. It doesn’t seem viable to me. Maybe it could be.) We need to do it, and maybe the situation now is bad enough.

If not, it’s going to get worse. That I can pretty much predict.

On the other hand, I paid $ 1.99 a gallon for gas today!


Perspective on it all by Jerry Pournelle

November 5, 2008

Honest to God, folks, Dr. Pournelle does it again:

“Despair is not only a sin, it’s poor tactics.”

Words to live by in the dark days ahead. We weathered Carter; we can weather this. And remember, out of the Carter years came the Reagan years. The shining city on the hill is still there, friends.


You should read this.

November 5, 2008

It’s from Basil at

Then let’s get back to work rebuildingĀ the party with real conservative principles and get the word out about what those are. Our country is going to need those principles, and real soon, I’m afraid.


Just go vote McCain.

November 2, 2008

Is he the best we could have fielded? No, probably not. Is he a true conservative? I don’t think so, despite him sounding more so the last few weeks. (Thanks to Sarah.) The nature of the primary system selects for middle of the road candidates with a lot of money. McCain doesn’t have the bundle that Obama does, but he did pretty well. “Real change” candididates can’t make it through the primary system – on the right or left.

It comes down to this, folks: Barak Obama has no clue what being President means. He is either incredibly naive or an extremely good liar. Neither one is what America needs.

I’m not sure McCain is as conservative as I think we need, but he’s all we’ve got. Just go vote for him to protect us from the truly horrible things Obama and the leftists could otherwise do to us. That’s the bottom line, boys and girls.