Posts Tagged ‘lolcats’


Happy Halloween from Basement Cat

October 27, 2011



Little musings…

August 7, 2011

Thoughtful cat is thoughtful.

I realized the other day that for the first time in 45 years, I’ve hardly thought about music (in terms of performing it) at all in the last two months. Now, there have been a few other things going on, of course, but usually either playing, teaching, or writing music has been in there someplace even during the summer. This year I’ve really been away from it. It feels very, very odd now that I’ve noticed it.

Some stories should be savored. I read pretty fast, and I think sometimes I don’t enjoy fiction as much as I could because I’m reading the book too fast. I’ve been listening to the audiobook of the new Jim Butcher book about Harry Dresden the Chicago wizard, “Ghost Story,” as I’ve been driving around to the places where I’ve been training people this week. If I had spent the same time with the actual book I would have been finished with it by now. I think I’m enjoying it a lot more this way. I don’t know if that would be true of all books for me, but for these it certainly has been.

A lot of what is going on in this particular Harry Dresden book has to do with memories. I think I remember stuff just about like everybody else, but in fiction people have this recall that sounds like they suddenly have a video playback of the event in their heads. I can’t see an event in that way, not even with my eyes closed and trying to block out distractions. I can get some vague shapes, but that’s about it. I seem to remember voices better, even some smells and certainly emotions from the event. But see it in my mind? Nope. Nikola Tesla was supposed to be able to visualize his inventions in full color and three dimensions before he ever built them. He said he saw them as clearly as physical objects, was able to rotate them, disassemble them, basically do what we can do with 3D CAD software today. I always had a lot of respect for the amazing genius of Tesla but I think if I actually met him he would freak me out. Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain was a friend, and he didn’t seem to be frightened of him, though. Anyway, can everybody else recall events in such detail? Is it just me who is memory-blind to a certain extent? For example, I can recall certain events from when I was a child. I don’t know how much of what I think members of my family looked like is because I really remember and how much is from photos I’ve seen since.

Why are Japanese beetles so danged hard to kill?

My brain is done for now. That’s all I can think about for a while. I believe I’ll go pet a cat…


Too wet to comment…

July 24, 2011

There’s just been too much rain for me to think of anything to comment on, so I kick off the week with a few of my favorites from and related sites:

Sad, but true.


You can sleep better tonight.



Another problem solved!

December 13, 2010

If you find the intertubes unusually slow, don’t call your provider until you check for lolcats first. It’s one of those simple repairs you can do yourself and save money! It’s easy and fun! No special tools required!



If he only had three more kittehs…

December 5, 2010

…he could have been a rock star in the 70s and 80s. He’s got the vocal range, that’s for sure. I’m not sure about the stage presence…

Once again, a tip of the hat to


Happy Pi(e) Day!

March 14, 2010


Just some images today

March 8, 2010

I haven’t had much time or pithy content to post, so here are some gems from and related sites:


More Quantum Cat Physics

July 11, 2009


Frederik Pohl had it right.


Schroedinger’s Cat In Verse

June 25, 2009
Is the kitteh alive or dead?

Is the kitteh alive or dead?

For those of you who don’t get quantum physics, here’s something I just found…an explanation of the Schroedinger’s Cat thought experiment, in verse – as if Dr. Seuss taught it. Link

Oh noes! Fractal kittehs!

Oh noes! Fractal kittehs!

Turnabout is fair play

Turnabout is fair play

I find it hard to stop...

I find it hard to stop...


My favorite site ever!

March 12, 2008

Let There Be Jazz! If you don’t like cats, and especially lolcats, don’t go there. Unless you like lolruses, which show up from time to time, as well. Just go there and check it out! I check it a couple of times a day because it just plain makes me smile!